Your South Stands Denver Super Bowl 53 wager and prop contest is open to all

South Stands Denver
Super Bowl Wagers and Props contest
Let’s have some Super Bowl fun! Each player in our contest has an imaginary bankroll of $10,000 to allocate as he or she sees fit across as many or as few of these wagers and props as he or she wishes. Players must put into play a minimum of $5,000 but can bank or play the remaining $5,000. The idea is to finish with the most imaginary dollars of any player.
No parlays or teasers. +245 means $100 pays $245. -$245 means $245 pays $100 and so on.
Odds via
Email your list of wagers to [email protected] and I will announce the winner(s) on Monday.
New England -3 NE WINS (-145) Rams +3 Rams WIN (+145) Over 57 Under 57
N.E. 1st half – .5 Rams 1st half +.5 1st half Over 27.5 1st half Under 27.5 (-120)
Coin Toss Heads / Tails Coin Toss Winner NE or LAR Will coin toss winner win game? YES NO
Game decided by EXACTLY: 3 pts +325 7 pts +550 10 pts +800 14 pts +950 17 pts +1,500
Largest lead will be: UNDER 14.5 (-125) OVER 14.5 (even) GAME TOTAL: ODD (-145) EVEN (+115)
Total pts: 0-20 (+5000) 21-30 (+1800) 31-40 (+700) 41-50 (+333) 51-60 (+240) 61-70 (+325) 70+ (+300)
Highest Scoring Half: 1st (+120) 2nd (-150) / Quarter: 1st (+500) 2nd (+145) 3rd (+350) 4th (+220)
Team w highest scoring HALF: N.E. (-130) LAR (+125) TIE (+600) 1st Half Tie? YES (+800) NO (-1600)
Scoreless quarter? YES (+325) NO (-450) 1st team to 20 pts: N.E. (-120) LAR (EVEN) Neither (+1600)
1st half winner / game winner (double result):
NE / LA (+600) TIE / NE (+1300) TIE / LA (+1500) LA / NE (+550) NE / NE (+135) LA / LA (+185)
Will a non-QB throw a TD pass? YES (+250) NO (-400) 2-point conversion? YES (+180) NO (-220)
First score: NE TD (+165) LA TD (+180) NE FG (+350) LA FG (+365) SAFETY (+5500)
Overtime? YES (+575) NO (-950) Team to score 1st NE (-120) LA (even)
National Anthem OVER / UNDER 110.5 sec Trump Tweets on Feb 3 OVER 6 (-140) UNDER 6 (Even)
Commercial to appear 1st: Bud Light (-105) Bud (+200) Stella (+550) Ultra (+550) Bon & Viv (+550)
Coach bath color: CLR (+220) GRN or YEL (+225) ORN (+400) BLU (+400) RED (+600) PUR (+1000)
Here are my wagers:
NE -3 $3000
UNDER 57 $2000
Game decided by EXACTLY 10 points (+800) $1000
Total points 51-60 (+240) $2000
1st half TIE YES (+800) $1000
1st half tie / NE wins (+1300) $1000