“You can pay me in #creampies”. JR Smith is like Pringles
JR Smith has never shown much effort or consistency on the hardwood. But, when it comes to trying to get laid on Twitter, Smith is all All-Pro.
He Tweets, reTweets, and gets reams of graphic, suggestive digital action from women all over the country. Potential future road hook-ups to be sure, N***a!
JR also loves to banter with his homies. He uses the “N” word more than the entire state of Kentucky and “#Pringles” means something besides potato chips.
He acts as though nobody’s watching – as though his coaches and team mates and fans and agents and team owners have nooooooo idea. Either that or JR Smith just doesn’t give two shits about being thought of as more basketcase than basketball player.
He’s Chad Ocho Cinco only raised by wolves.
Here are a few recent JR Smith Twitter gems that will warm your heart:
Ok… RT @tattooedMIMI: I have yet to have sex with a tatted up nigga….
@TheRealJRSmith I’ve got a camera… Just throwing that out there. Lol don’t worry… The pics would just be for my personal collection. LOL
#Pringles RT @PinkPanties5: Going to NY today.. I wanna get some tatts!!!
@TheRealJRSmith @tattooedmimi and what a coinkeedink I just so happen to live in NY with a nice big house if we need a nice scenery. lmfao
yoooooo next time I have sex I’m f**king to the whole @2chainz album.
Lmmfao RT @tattooedMIMI: Whose birthday is it today ???….. Nvm , no f**ks given
No u can pay wit #CreamPies RT @TheRealSavvy_: @TheRealJRSmith @FlexiLexii damn I hope I can pay in pringles too.
You can live but won get no #Pringles! RT @JoiRabbit: @TheRealJRSmith I don’t have an ASS jus a regular butt…I can live with that tho lol
I’m like #Pringles! #OnceYouPopYouCantStop #justsayin