The Raiders are the most worthless team in the NFL. Literally.
$825 million is a lot of money to you and me. But, as the worth of an NFL franchise it’s a paltry sum. The most paltry, in fact, among all of them.
The Oakland Raiders enjoy the distinction of being the least valuable team in all of professional football according to Forbes Magazine’s recent ranking. This despite the team’s heritage and despite it being located in sunny California. Decades of mismanagement and a failure to be competitive are at the heart of the issue. A bad stadium situation doesn’t help either.
The team could enjoy a significant spike in value if it were to be moved back to LA where it resided once before. The City of Angels is reluctant to invite the Raiders back, though, largely because of the unsavory element that the Raiders attract. Proposals to erect a new stadium in the Oakland area have gone absolutely nowhere.