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The Colorado Rockies don’t belong to the church and Coors Field doesn’t belong to Dick Monfort.

Colin D. | July 10, 2014

Their loyalty, however, is misplaced. Rather than offering it to the people who pay the bills they give it to Dan O’Dowd. The reason for this is no mystery. O’Dowd shares the Monforts’ faith.”

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“If product and experience that bad don’t come!”- Dick Monfort

Fan frustration with the Colorado Rockies is reaching its boiling point. Folks have been perturbed for quite some time. After all, it’s a team that has finished perpetually in the basement of its own division due to a repeating pattern of incompetence that has gone almost completely unaddressed from year to identical year. But now the Dinger shit is really hitting the fan. People have had enough and they’re letting the organization know it. One gentleman, who traveled to Coors Field from Grand Junction to watch Colorado’s lackluster effort on the Fourth of July filled out a comment card at Coors Field expressing his frustration. He received a response via email from Dick Monfort himself essentially telling the guy “if you don’t like it don’t bother coming.”

Dick is taking the fans of Colorado for granted – and who can blame him. People will pack into Coors Field no matter how bad the Rockies are. That’s been proven time after time – even before the party deck. If the fellow from Grand Junction opts never to come to a Rockies game again somebody will fill his seat. That’s the assumption, anyway. Monfort would have to be caught with a dead girl or a live boy to make people think twice about imbibing and soaking up sun in the friendly confines of Dick and Charlie’s ball park.

But here’s the rub…it’s not theirs. Coors Field is ours.

The Colorado Rockies may be a privately owned MLB franchise but they are a PUBLIC trust. They also happen to play in a ball park that was constructed using 75% public funds. Voters in six counties contributed 1/10 of 1% on every taxable dollar they spent for nearly ten years in order to make baseball in Colorado a reality. Without that tax Major League Baseball would have looked elsewhere for expansion. The Rockies are here because we paid to get them here.

For Dick Monfort to get mouthy with a paying customer is inexcusable and it is emblematic of the biggest problem plaguing the Colorado Rockies. The Monfort brothers, for as much as they talk about being competitive people, are content to count their dollars and the fans can be damned. Why put their money where their mouths are in terms of actually winning when the turn styles will spin no matter what?

Dick and Charlie, they say, are loyal to a fault. Their loyalty, however, is misplaced. Rather than offering it to the people who pay the bills they give it to Dan O’Dowd. The reason for this is no mystery. O’Dowd shares the Monforts’ faith. As has been widely reported in the past the Rockies put a strong emphasis on Christian values. Dan O’Dowd may not have a prayer of straightening out the Rockies but when he prays he prays the same way his loyal bosses do.

The Colorado Rockies don’t belong to the church and Coors Field doesn’t belong to Dick Monfort. It’s time for an uprising. We, the fans of the Colorado Rockies must make it clear to Dick and Charlie that we aren’t just mad anymore. Now we’re pissed. And while a boycott of Coors Field will never happen we have other ways of expressing our fury. We won’t shut up until Monfort fires his Bible-thumping pals and places the Rockies in competent hands.

It’s time that decisions are made at 20th and Blake not based on the preferences of the Monforts but on what’s best for baseball in Colorado and for the fans that financed it. O’Dowd and Geivett have got to go. Now.

Written by Colin D.


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