Everything you need to know about South Stands Denver Fantasy Football League(s) for 2013
“Interest in joining the league is very high and, despite the fact that we voted to expand the league to sixteen teams, we have decided to create a “B” league so that more people can play. Ultimately we would like to end up with two 14-team leagues…”
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The South Stands Denver Fantasy Football League (#SSDFFL) was an absolute blast last season. It was hosted at Yahoo! and our live draft was held at Boone’s Tavern in the private room. Footballguys’ Cecil Lammey showed up and served as master of ceremonies / Robin Carlin’s personal draft advisor. We had a great group and even held an end-of-season party and trophy presentation. The winner of the league was Fancast producer Scott Stafford, who is an absolute monster.
Interest in joining the league is very high and, despite the fact that we voted to expand the league to sixteen teams, we have decided to create a “B” league so that more people can play. Ultimately we would like to end up with two 14-team leagues. Each year the bottom two finishers in the “A” league will move down to the “B” league and the top two finishers in the “B” league will advance to the “A” league. Additionally, each league will vote one player out. That player will either be moved “up” from “B” to “A” or “down” from “A” to “B”. The votes will be anonymous. So … three players will move between leagues each year.
The “A” league is already full. In fact, it’s at fifteen as of right now. One player will have to play in the “B” league. That leaves 13 available spots. Both drafts will be held simultaneously AT BOONE’S TAVERN (Downing and Evans) on SUNDAY, AUGUST 25TH AT 2PM. PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY. If you cannot draft at that time don’t join. Anyone one MIA from a draft will not be welcomed back. Draft order will be determined by drawing Scrabble tiles. Be prepared to draft from any position.
League entry fee will be $60 for the “A” league and $40 for the “B” league for total kitties of $840 and $560. Awards are as follows:
4th place – 10%
3rd place – 20%
2nd place – 30%
1st place – 40%
Monies will be deposited to, tracked in and paid out from Leaguesafe.com. Deadbeats will be harassed incessantly and eventually not invited back. Any player currently in the “A” league who prefers to play for the lower buy-in should let me know ASAP.
Six teams will make the playoffs in each league. Playoffs will be weeks 14, 15 and 16. Each league will also have a six team consolation bracket to determine spots 7-12.
Championship games will be week 16. HOWEVER, week 17 we will hold a Champ VS Champ bonus game (on paper) for bragging rights.
All waiver claims will be handled using a blind bidding system from a $1,000 budget. This, we have determined, is the ONLY fair way to handle claims. So, when Knowshon goes down week one, Hillman will cost you half your budget.
Trades are by commissioner approval with no waiting. Only in cases of obvious collusion will any trade be denied. We do not believe in league voting or waiting periods for trades and we wish to encourage lots of trading activity within the league.
Several changes to the scoring system were voted in after last season. Scott Stafford will be in charge of instituting these new scoring changes and in recommending others. He is, after all, our very own “Captain Fantasy”. Study the scoring system if you want to have a chance in hell of beating him.
Those interested in filling the 13 available spots in league “B” or who wish to move from league “A” to league “B” can contact me at [email protected] or Tweet to hashtag #SSDFFL. I will do my very best to distribute spots fairly.