BREAKING: Broncos punt Dmac over beef with prancing Raider

Holy crap. We didn’t see this one coming. According to a very credible member of the Denver sports media, the Denver Broncos PR department has punted 104.3 the Fan’s Darren “Dmac” Mckee from the team facility and possibly revoked his press credentials*.
*UPDATE: The Broncos deny pulling Dmac’s press credentials however it’s quite clear that Dmac will not be at Dove Valley as a member of the media anytime soon. Things are ugly for him down there.
This, of course, comes in the wake of Dmac’s dust-up with punter Marquette King whose antics on and off the field were enough to cause new Raiders’ head coach John Gruden to cut the prancing punter as soon as he took the reigns in Oakland.
If you’ve been anywhere near Twitter over the past few days you’ve probably heard about it Dmac’s feud with King.
First King sat down for an interview with Brandon Stokley and Zach Bye, also of the 104.3 the Fan and gave a pathetic radio interview:
Q: With two weeks of camp how would you summarize it for yourself?
King: Mmm…I don’t know how to summarize it…good? Like a regular practice day.
Q: How’s the transition been with a new team, new locker room moving from Oakland to Denver?
King: Mmm…I don’t know. It’s cool. Got some cool people on the team.
Q: How is your relationship so far with the coaching staff? Getting along well?
King: Yup. Everything’s going good.
Q: You always have a lot of personality, but it doesn’t seem like you have a lot to say right now. You frustrated about something in particular?
King: I just don’t like talking about football. I just do it.
Q: Well, tell us about yourself. Who is Marquette King, what do you like to do, what do you enjoy?
King: I know I like more oxygen.
Q: (Laughs) Is the altitude bothering you a little bit?
King: It gets on my nerves sometimes, but, I mean, it’s my job, so…yeah.
Q: How much are you looking forward to getting to start a week from tomorrow in preseason?
King: Ummm… I mean it’s definitely coming. So…
Host: Alright we’ll leave it at that, thanks for coming by… (King walks away)… Wow!…
Then Dmac commented that he really doesn’t think King is very happy about playing for Denver.
That led King to confront Dmac at Dove Valley, saying “keep my name out your mouth”. King was then restrained by PR staff and whisked away before any further trouble insued.
Then their bickering switched to Twitter.
For Dmac, who has been covering the Broncos like a blanket for what seems like forever – and is one of the most highly respected members of the Denver sports media – to be disallowed from being behind the scenes is a HUGE loss for the fans.
Personally, I am growing tired of this team. This story is only the latest reason. Ownership is shaky and weird, the head coach is a disaster and a sex offender. Things are not going in the right direction. Banishing Dmac is just one more reason to be sick about the Broncos – especially considering that the other party involved is THIS guy.
Here’s hoping this is a shot across the bow from the Broncos PR department to Dmac and that they’ll back off sooner or later and get him back where he belongs – behind the scenes. We’ve gotten no indication as to the permanence of their decision. At least for the time being, however, we’ve lost one of the only voices at team facilities willing to go out on an occasional limb and ask a daring question.
The way the Broncos control the media in this town is disgusting. More on that to come, dear readers.